2012-01-23 23:59
Rev.: 5798
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2012-01-23 10:39
Rev.: 5797
5 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2012-01-23 10:30
Rev.: 5796
16 lines of code changed in 2 files:
2012-01-20 10:05
Rev.: 5795
7 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2012-01-20 10:04
Rev.: 5794
10 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2012-01-09 17:23
Rev.: 5790
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2012-01-02 13:10
Rev.: 5789
16 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2012-01-02 13:09
Rev.: 5788
302 lines of code changed in 300 files:
Makefile (+1 -1)
AVLTree.c (+1 -1),
AVLTree.h (+1 -1),
AppIcon.c (+1 -1),
AppIcon.h (+1 -1),
BayesFilter.c (+1 -1),
BayesFilter.h (+1 -1),
BoyerMooreSearch.c (+1 -1),
BoyerMooreSearch.h (+1 -1),
Debug.c (+1 -1),
Debug.h (+1 -1),
DockyIcon.c (+1 -1),
DockyIcon.h (+1 -1),
FileInfo.c (+1 -1),
FileInfo.h (+1 -1),
FolderList.c (+1 -1),
FolderList.h (+1 -1),
HTML2Mail.h (+1 -1),
HTML2Mail.l (+1 -1),
HashTable.c (+1 -1),
HashTable.h (+1 -1),
ImageCache.c (+1 -1),
ImageCache.h (+1 -1),
Locale_c.sd (+1 -1),
Locale_h.sd (+1 -1),
Logfile.c (+1 -1),
Logfile.h (+1 -1),
MUIObjects.c (+1 -1),
MUIObjects.h (+1 -1),
MailExport.c (+1 -1),
MailExport.h (+1 -1),
MailImport.c (+1 -1),
MailImport.h (+1 -1),
MailList.c (+1 -1),
MailList.h (+1 -1),
MailServers.c (+1 -1),
MailServers.h (+1 -1),
MailTransferList.c (+1 -1),
MailTransferList.h (+1 -1),
Makefile (+1 -1),
MethodStack.c (+1 -1),
MethodStack.h (+1 -1),
MimeTypes.c (+1 -1),
MimeTypes.h (+1 -1),
ParseEmail.h (+1 -1),
ParseEmail.l (+1 -1),
Requesters.c (+1 -1),
Requesters.h (+1 -1),
Rexx.c (+1 -1),
Rexx.h (+1 -1),
Themes.c (+1 -1),
Themes.h (+1 -1),
Threads.c (+1 -1),
Threads.h (+1 -1),
Timer.c (+1 -1),
Timer.h (+1 -1),
UIDL.c (+1 -1),
UIDL.h (+1 -1),
UpdateCheck.c (+1 -1),
UpdateCheck.h (+1 -1),
VMakefile (+1 -1),
YAM.c (+1 -1),
YAM.h (+1 -1),
YAM_AB.c (+1 -1),
YAM_CO.c (+1 -1),
YAM_COg.c (+1 -1),
YAM_COs.c (+1 -1),
YAM_DI.c (+1 -1),
YAM_EA.c (+1 -1),
YAM_ER.c (+1 -1),
YAM_FI.c (+1 -1),
YAM_FO.c (+1 -1),
YAM_MA.c (+1 -1),
YAM_MAf.c (+1 -1),
YAM_RE.c (+1 -1),
YAM_US.c (+1 -1),
YAM_UT.c (+1 -1),
YAM_WR.c (+1 -1),
YAM_addressbook.h (+1 -1),
YAM_addressbookEntry.h (+1 -1),
YAM_config.h (+1 -1),
YAM_configFile.h (+1 -1),
YAM_configGUI.h (+1 -1),
YAM_error.h (+1 -1),
YAM_find.h (+1 -1),
YAM_folderconfig.h (+1 -1),
YAM_global.c (+2 -2),
YAM_global.h (+1 -1),
YAM_glossarydisplay.h (+1 -1),
YAM_main.h (+1 -1),
YAM_mainFolder.h (+1 -1),
YAM_read.h (+1 -1),
YAM_stringsizes.h (+1 -1),
YAM_userlist.h (+1 -1),
YAM_utilities.h (+1 -1),
YAM_write.h (+1 -1),
extrasrc.h (+1 -1)
AllocSysObject.c (+1 -1),
AllocVecPooled.c (+1 -1),
DoSuperNew.c (+1 -1),
ExamineDir.c (+1 -1),
ExamineDir.h (+1 -1),
FreeVecPooled.c (+1 -1),
GetHead.c (+1 -1),
GetPred.c (+1 -1),
GetSucc.c (+1 -1),
GetTail.c (+1 -1),
ItemPool.h (+1 -1),
ItemPoolAlloc.c (+1 -1),
ItemPoolFree.c (+1 -1),
MoveList.c (+1 -1),
NewMinList.c (+1 -1),
NewReadArgs.c (+1 -1),
NewReadArgs.h (+1 -1),
SetProcWindow.c (+1 -1),
asprintf.c (+1 -1),
getdelim.c (+1 -1),
memdup.c (+1 -1),
snprintf.c (+1 -1),
stcgfe.c (+1 -1),
strcasestr.c (+1 -1),
strdup.c (+1 -1),
vasprintf.c (+1 -1),
vastubs.c (+1 -1),
xget.c (+1 -1),
xset.c (+1 -1)
base64.c (+1 -1),
base64.h (+1 -1),
md5.c (+1 -1),
md5.h (+1 -1),
qprintable.c (+1 -1),
qprintable.h (+1 -1),
rfc1738.c (+1 -1),
rfc1738.h (+1 -1),
rfc2047.c (+1 -1),
rfc2047.h (+1 -1),
rfc2231.c (+1 -1),
rfc2231.h (+1 -1),
uucode.c (+1 -1),
uucode.h (+1 -1)
Aboutwindow.c (+1 -1),
AccountList.c (+1 -1),
AddrBookEntryList.c (+1 -1),
AddrBookListtree.c (+1 -1),
AddrBookToolbar.c (+1 -1),
AddressmatchList.c (+1 -1),
AddressmatchPopup.c (+1 -1),
AttachmentGroup.c (+1 -1),
AttachmentImage.c (+1 -1),
AttachmentList.c (+1 -1),
AttachmentObject.c (+1 -1),
AttachmentRequestWindow.c (+1 -1),
Base64Dataspace.c (+1 -1),
BirthdayRequestWindow.c (+1 -1),
CharsetPopupList.c (+1 -1),
CheckboxRequestWindow.c (+1 -1),
ClassesExtra.h (+1 -1),
ClassesSetup.h (+1 -1),
ConfigPageList.c (+1 -1),
FilterList.c (+1 -1),
FilterPopupList.c (+1 -1),
FolderListtree.c (+1 -1),
FolderRequestListtree.c (+1 -1),
FolderRequestWindow.c (+1 -1),
GenericRequestWindow.c (+1 -1),
HeaderList.c (+1 -1),
ImageArea.c (+1 -1),
InfoBar.c (+1 -1),
InfoWindow.c (+1 -1),
MailTextEdit.c (+1 -1),
MainFolderListtree.c (+1 -1),
MainMailList.c (+1 -1),
MainMailListGroup.c (+1 -1),
MainWindow.c (+1 -1),
MainWindowToolbar.c (+1 -1),
MimeTypeList.c (+1 -1),
ObjectList.c (+1 -1),
ObjectListitem.c (+1 -1),
PassphraseRequestWindow.c (+1 -1),
PlaceholderPopupList.c (+1 -1),
PreselectionWindow.c (+1 -1),
QuickSearchBar.c (+1 -1),
ReadMailGroup.c (+1 -1),
ReadWindow.c (+1 -1),
ReadWindowStatusBar.c (+1 -1),
ReadWindowToolbar.c (+1 -1),
Recipientstring.c (+1 -1),
ScriptList.c (+1 -1),
SearchControlGroup.c (+1 -1),
Searchwindow.c (+1 -1),
ShutdownWindow.c (+1 -1),
Splashwindow.c (+1 -1),
StringRequestWindow.c (+1 -1),
ThemeList.c (+1 -1),
ThemeListGroup.c (+1 -1),
TransferControlGroup.c (+1 -1),
TransferControlList.c (+1 -1),
TransferMailList.c (+1 -1),
TransferWindow.c (+1 -1),
UpdateComponentList.c (+1 -1),
UpdateNotifyWindow.c (+1 -1),
UserList.c (+1 -1),
UserPortraitGroup.c (+1 -1),
WriteAttachmentList.c (+1 -1),
WriteWindow.c (+1 -1),
WriteWindowToolbar.c (+1 -1),
YAMApplication.c (+1 -1)
addrdelete.c (+1 -1),
addredit.c (+1 -1),
addrfind.c (+1 -1),
addrgoto.c (+1 -1),
addrinfo.c (+1 -1),
addrload.c (+1 -1),
addrnew.c (+1 -1),
addrresolve.c (+1 -1),
addrsave.c (+1 -1),
appbusy.c (+1 -1),
appnobusy.c (+1 -1),
flushindexes.c (+1 -1),
folderinfo.c (+1 -1),
getconfiginfo.c (+1 -1),
getfolderinfo.c (+1 -1),
getmailinfo.c (+1 -1),
getselected.c (+1 -1),
geturl.c (+1 -1),
help.c (+1 -1),
hide.c (+1 -1),
info.c (+1 -1),
isonline.c (+1 -1),
listfreeze.c (+1 -1),
listselect.c (+1 -1),
listunfreeze.c (+1 -1),
mailarchive.c (+1 -1),
mailbounce.c (+1 -1),
mailchangesubject.c (+1 -1),
mailcheck.c (+1 -1),
mailcopy.c (+1 -1),
maildelete.c (+1 -1),
mailedit.c (+1 -1),
mailexport.c (+1 -1),
mailfilter.c (+1 -1),
mailforward.c (+1 -1),
mailimport.c (+1 -1),
mailinfo.c (+1 -1),
mailmove.c (+1 -1),
mailread.c (+1 -1),
mailreply.c (+1 -1),
mailsend.c (+1 -1),
mailsendall.c (+1 -1),
mailstatus.c (+1 -1),
mailupdate.c (+1 -1),
mailwrite.c (+1 -1),
newmailfile.c (+1 -1),
quit.c (+1 -1),
readclose.c (+1 -1),
readinfo.c (+1 -1),
readprint.c (+1 -1),
readsave.c (+1 -1),
request.c (+1 -1),
requestfile.c (+1 -1),
requestfolder.c (+1 -1),
requeststring.c (+1 -1),
restart.c (+1 -1),
screentoback.c (+1 -1),
screentofront.c (+1 -1),
setflag.c (+1 -1),
setfolder.c (+1 -1),
setmail.c (+1 -1),
setmailfile.c (+1 -1),
show.c (+1 -1),
userinfo.c (+1 -1),
writeattach.c (+1 -1),
writebcc.c (+1 -1),
writecc.c (+1 -1),
writeeditor.c (+1 -1),
writefrom.c (+1 -1),
writeletter.c (+1 -1),
writemailto.c (+1 -1),
writeoptions.c (+1 -1),
writequeue.c (+1 -1),
writereplyto.c (+1 -1),
writesend.c (+1 -1),
writesubject.c (+1 -1),
writeto.c (+1 -1)
Connection.c (+1 -1),
Connection.h (+1 -1),
http.c (+1 -1),
http.h (+1 -1),
pop3.c (+1 -1),
pop3.h (+1 -1),
smtp.c (+1 -1),
smtp.h (+1 -1)
mkrelease.sh (+1 -1)
Makefile (+1 -1),
crc32.c (+1 -1),
crc32.h (+1 -1),
gc.c (+2 -2),
gc.h (+1 -1),
lists.c (+1 -1),
lists.h (+1 -1)
2012-01-02 10:53
Rev.: 5787
2 lines of code changed in 1 file: