January 2007 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
damato 2007-01-30 23:21 Rev.: 2660

* MainMailList.c: fixed bug #1647788 where we did use the wrong description
for one of the Select submenu items.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2007-01-30 01:41 Rev.: 2659

* YAM_TR.c: fixed bug #1646457 where upon an SSL connection failure the
necessary cleanups wasn't done in TR_ProcessSEND(). This also caused
the mail transfer window to be kept open and undisposed.

168 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2007-01-29 08:43 Rev.: 2658

* YAM_COg.c: fixed a signedness warning

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2007-01-29 08:40 Rev.: 2657

* misc: fixed several strlcpy(), AddPart() and NameFromLock() calls to use
sizeof() instead of a constant.

26 lines of code changed in 7 files:

tboeckel 2007-01-29 08:11 Rev.: 2656

* YAM_CO.c: fixed another strlcpy() to copy one more character.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2007-01-29 00:46 Rev.: 2655

- fixed a minor possible crashing problem where G->TR isn't

6 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2007-01-28 22:30 Rev.: 2654

* YAM_TR.c: changed the transfer window title and the busy bar back to display
the current host name instead of the account name.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2007-01-28 21:55 Rev.: 2653

* YAM_TR.c: the TR_Connect() function wasn't correctly advancing to an eventually
alternate IP-address and always failed for an alias IP. Now there will always
be a new socket() call for each IP alias. In addition the loop can now be
somewhat aborted between two connection tries.
* YAM_TR.c: reworked all TLS/SSL routines to be somewhat more nice to
eventually error states of the SSL functions. Now the SSL context should
be more properly cleaned up than before.

223 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2007-01-28 21:43 Rev.: 2652

* YAM.c: added a SHOWSTRING() call to CheckMCC() to display the name of the
MCC being checked in the log. This might help tracking down bugs in certain
classes if creating an object of this class may fail.

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2007-01-28 21:41 Rev.: 2651

* YAM_CO.c: when no user name was entered after creating a new account the
automatically created user name from the default EMail address was one char
too short (example: default EMail: "user@host", user name: "use").

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2007-01-28 19:33 Rev.: 2650

* YAM_WR.c: it is now possible to enable/disable the automatic word wrapping
functionality from the menu of the correspoding write window.

19 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2007-01-28 19:12 Rev.: 2649

* Searchwindow.c, ReadWindow.c: it is now possible to search in the displayed
text of a read window by using newly added "Search" and "Search again"
menu items. In addition the context menu of a readmailgroup also allows to
search in a read pane as well now.

122 lines of code changed in 5 files:

damato 2007-01-28 19:10 Rev.: 2648

* YAM.c: bumped required codesets.library version to 6.3

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2007-01-24 21:17 Rev.: 2645

* YAM.c: added missing TAG_DONE to GetTimezoneAttrs() call.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2007-01-23 07:45 Rev.: 2644

* Makefile: added an additional check for uname reporting "ppc" instead of
"powerpc" as machine name for OS4 (uname (coreutils) 5.2.1-9).

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2007-01-23 00:45 Rev.: 2643

* Makefile.#?: removed all explicit target specific makefiles and replaced them
with a single, more intelligent 'Makefile' which can be executed with a
simple GNU 'make' call. The new top Makefile contains various HOST and TARGET
operating system idenification routines done via the 'uname' tool.
According to the output of uname, the makefile automatically sets the correct
build environment based on the host operating system where YAM is being
compiled on and for. However, for explicitly compiling for a specific OS,
the new makefile still allows to override not only all options like 'DEBUG',
but also the target OS via 'make OS=os3'. So we can still very easily compile
for all supported operating systems with a simple 'make' call.

418 lines of code changed in 6 files:

tboeckel 2007-01-22 22:54 Rev.: 2642

* YAM_UT.c: also fixed a GetVar() call and did some code cleanup.

84 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2007-01-22 22:53 Rev.: 2641

* YAM.c, YAM_MA.c, YAM_CO.c: changed some more calls to GetVar() to use
sizeof() instead of numeric constants as size argument.

14 lines of code changed in 2 files:

tboeckel 2007-01-22 22:38 Rev.: 2640

* YAM_MA.c: increased the size of the status part of a mail file to be able
to keep all possible mail flags. Normally this should never happen, because
one mail can never be read and new at the same time, but just to be on the
safe side...

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2007-01-22 22:12 Rev.: 2639

* YAM_MA.c YAM_CO.c, YAM_COg.c, YAM_COs.c, YAM_TR.c, locale/YAM.cd: made the
name of each mail account user definable. This account name will be used for
the account menu entries and the transfer window title. Before it was fixed
to user@host, which was quite unsatisfying with GMX where this resulted in
something like "123456@pop.gmx.de" instead of "user@gmx.de". Now this is
more consistent to Thunderbird's behaviour.

108 lines of code changed in 6 files:

tboeckel 2007-01-22 18:46 Rev.: 2638

* YAM.c: all GetVar() calls now use sizeof(buffer) as size parameter instead
of a fixed number. This will automatically prevent any buffer overflow if
the size of buffer[] should be changed any day.

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2007-01-21 19:51 Rev.: 2636

* YAM.c: added support for daylight saving querying via the AmigaOS4
timezone.library. Now the DST setting is queried via timezone.library
instead of obtaining it via various environment variables. However, for
an automatic notification of a DST change while YAM is running, the
ENV:TZONE variable will still be evaluated until timezone.library
allows to register notifications.

537 lines of code changed in 2 files:

damato 2007-01-21 14:31 Rev.: 2635

* C_c.sd: added some more detailed debug output on loading up the catalog

9 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2007-01-21 11:22 Rev.: 2632

* YAM.c: added an .mcc check for TheButton.mcc as well.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2007-01-21 11:22 Rev.: 2631

* Makefile.os4: reverted the date->gdate change from David as it breaks the
automatic compilation on our nightly build server. So please keep your
hands off if you are unsure what you are doing. And if you want to have
'gdate' executed instead of 'date' simply call the makefile like this:
"make -f Makefile.os4 DATE=gdate". That's how it is supposed to be
until we have a better build environment with automatic recognition
of the host system.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tactica 2007-01-21 06:39 Rev.: 2630

* Makefile.os4: now uses the "gdate" command instead of "date" to work with
the current coreutils release and stop getting confused with the original
C:Date command.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2007-01-21 03:46 Rev.: 2629

* YAM_stringsizes.h, misc: added a new source-wide SIZE_FILEBUF define which
will be used by the newly introduced setvbuf() calls to dynamically increase
the used buffer for all our fopen()/fread()/fwrite() operations. It now
defaults to 65k and should hopefully speed up some operations. Please note
that any new fopen() use should be from now on evaluated if a buffer
increase via setvbuf() would be of any use.

332 lines of code changed in 18 files:

damato 2007-01-20 19:06 Rev.: 2628

* YAM.c: bumped minimum required version of TheBar.mcc to v21.1 as that is
what YAM requires now.
* misc: adapted all TheBar relevant code passages to make use of the new v21
version of TheBar, including their new KeyQualifier functionality. Now
the key qualifier management code should be active and working again.
* ReadWindow.c: fixed a possible crash bug where we forgot to check if
the mail in question is a real mail or a virtual one.

129 lines of code changed in 7 files:

damato 2007-01-13 19:54 Rev.: 2627

* C_c.sd, C_h.sd, misc: renamed our locale translation function from "GetStr()"
to "tr()" which is not only much shorter, but also somewhat more intuitive.

1830 lines of code changed in 43 files:

damato 2007-01-13 19:34 Rev.: 2626

* YAM.cd, misc: got rid of all catalog string using the more or less hackish
"\000" NUL-termination sequence to make it possible to override certain
menu hotkeys directly in the catalog translation. First of all that method
might cause problems on incorrectly translated catalogs, second YAM should
come with the very same hotkeys on all languages and last but not least
by removing that "hack" we make it possible to eventually make those
hotkeys user configurable in a future version.

123 lines of code changed in 9 files:

damato 2007-01-13 17:25 Rev.: 2625

* YAM_MA.c, ReadWindow.c: synced the read window's menu items with what the
main YAM window provides in sense of modifying the mail status. Now the
read window menu should in fact be somewhat the same like the main window
menu in terms of message options including the keyboard hotkeys.

89 lines of code changed in 2 files:

damato 2007-01-13 02:15 Rev.: 2622

* ReadWindow.c: slightly modified the Readwindow's Menu to correctly enable
and disable certain menu items depending on the mail type.

14 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2007-01-13 01:50 Rev.: 2621

* YAM_RE.c: fixed a possible crash situation where upon viewing a virtual
PGP-signed message due to trying to access the folder structure of it.

12 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2007-01-13 01:34 Rev.: 2620

* ReadMailGroup.c, AttachmentGroup.c: fixed bug #1633776 where a crash could
have been triggered when selecting the context-menu's "Save All" entry
of the Attachment submenu. Now the context-menu entries will be disabled
properly and the corresponding functions can not do anything harmful anymore.

43 lines of code changed in 4 files:

damato 2007-01-13 01:31 Rev.: 2619

- minor, non functional updates

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

damato 2007-01-10 14:10 Rev.: 2618

* YAM_WR.c: according to RFC2015 (section 5), a pgp siged message should add
"micalg=pgp-md5" instead of "micalc" which we previously did.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2007-01-09 20:17 Rev.: 2616

* YAM_RE.c: in case no user defined MIME type incl. a file extension matches,
the internal MIME type list will now be scanned as well to find a matching
file extension for a certain MIME part of a mail. This should also partly
fix some issues reported in bug #1629670.

52 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2007-01-07 22:40 Rev.: 2615

* ReadMailGroup.c: PGP signed mails are now checked first for a valid
signature and after that the mail state "read" is set. Before these steps
were swapped and PGP always complained about nonexisting files, because
the mail file had been renamed in the background if no embedded readpanel
was enabled and the update was configured to be delayed. This fixes bug

56 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2007-01-06 12:23 Rev.: 2614

* ImageCache.c, ImageCache.h: reworked the reload check to also check the
screen's depth. Images will now only be reloaded if the screen depth
change from truecolor to LUT8 or vice versa or if the screen stays a LUT8
screen. This vastly speeds up deiconification if YAM always runs on a
truecolor screen.

34 lines of code changed in 2 files:

damato 2007-01-05 12:01 Rev.: 2612

* YAM_TR.c: added more detailed debug output in case a connection couldn't
be established.

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2007-01-05 11:12 Rev.: 2611

* YAM_TR.c, YAM_COs.c: updated latest changes to match our STYLEGUIDE.

29 lines of code changed in 2 files:

damato 2007-01-05 11:11 Rev.: 2610

* YAM_configFile.h: fixed the missing CO_GetConfig() prototype update to get
YAM compiled again.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2007-01-05 09:24 Rev.: 2609

* YAM_CO.c, YAM_COg.c, YAM_COs.c, locale/YAM.cd, locale/deutsch.cd: whenever
a signature has been modified in YAM internal editor and the user switches
over to another page or just "uses" the current configuration a requester
now asks the user if the changed signature should either be save immediately
or if the changes should be discarded. Thus a change to one of the
signatures doesn't get saved permanently unnoticed or unwanted anymore. This
fixes bug #1212788.

54 lines of code changed in 3 files:

tboeckel 2007-01-05 00:47 Rev.: 2608

* YAM.c, YAM_TR.c: reworked the TR_Connect() function to check if the global
socket is already in use. This rework also resulted in a clean up, thus now
TR_Connect() will return a proper error value if something goes wrong. This
should fix bug #681373, where a second call to TR_Connect() broke a previous
connection. Also added a missing call of TR_Disconnect() in TR_ProcessSEND()
in case a secure transmission is not possible and an initialized socket
might have been left behind.

159 lines of code changed in 2 files:

tboeckel 2007-01-05 00:18 Rev.: 2607

* YAM_rexx.c: fixed a possible buffer overflow during parsing of the command

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2007-01-04 07:29 Rev.: 2606

* UpdateCheck.c: slightly reworked the update state loading function. Also
added the missing trace macros.

43 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2007-01-03 22:36 Rev.: 2605

* misc: modified the update check in such a way, that the information about
the last update check are no longer saved to the user's .config file, but to
a global .updatestate file instead. This makes it possible to modify the
configuration while doing an update check without making the (temporary)
modifications permanent by accident. This fixes bug #1568672.

153 lines of code changed in 8 files:

tboeckel 2007-01-03 20:26 Rev.: 2604

* YAM_MA.c, YAM_MAf.c: the toolbar and the message menuitems were not updated
if one jumped to a folder without messages. Even the "New message" item was
always ghosted then. When jumping between two folders without messages the
GUI update was never done, because the update through MUI's notifications
was never triggered since nothing ever changed in the listview. This fixes
bug #1626700.

25 lines of code changed in 2 files:

tboeckel 2007-01-02 19:00 Rev.: 2603

* YAM_UT.c: added some debug output upon changing the dock icon.

17 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2007-01-02 07:57 Rev.: 2602

* YAM_MA.c: deletion of old messages checked the age twice, but didn't take
the spam folder in account on the first check. This could result in not
deleting too old spam mails. This should fix bug #1621132.

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2007-01-01 18:34 Rev.: 2600

* misc: bumped all copyright notices to point to the new year (2007). So
happy new year everyone and thanks for the tremdenous support either
by donating some money to our project, but also thanks to those who
spent valueable time in submitting bug reports. YAM is now already in
the 7th year of its open source development and since the release of
the source code by Marcel Beck in 2000, we have not only added great new
features but also approximately rewritten about 70-75% of the whole sources.
I think this is one more reason to give everyone a big "cheers!"....

103 lines of code changed in 111 files:

December 2006 »

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