February 2003 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
damato 2003-02-27 16:10 Rev.: 1230

- YAM_RE.c: fixed bug where on a use of PGPv5 a unknown keyid wasn`t
correctly identified. Damn, this whole PGP stuff really needs a
complete rework soon.

24 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-27 11:57 Rev.: 1229

- YAM_UT.c: replaced redundant CompNoCase() function with a call to
strnicmp() which anyway does the same.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-27 11:33 Rev.: 1228

- YAM_UT.c, YAM_FI.c: increased the sizes of all buffers used with
ParsePattern() to at least 2*sourcelen+2, as proposed in the
dos autodocs. This should probably fix problems with hugh used
pattern fields that caused a buffer overrun within ParsePattern().

30 lines of code changed in 4 files:

damato 2003-02-26 01:19 Rev.: 1227

- forgot to revert two more places concerning the autoactivate

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-25 22:22 Rev.: 1226

- YAM_WR.c: removed the autoactivate of the To: string gadget again
as it seems that one activation upon a write window open is enough.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-25 22:15 Rev.: 1225

- removed forgot kprintf()

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-25 15:16 Rev.: 1224

- classes/Recipientstring.c: fixed bug in HandleEvent() method where
a recipientstring did always eat all RAWKEY events, even if they
were not handled by the string itself. That caused an active string
not to forward hotkey events to the window.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-25 15:09 Rev.: 1223

- YAM.c, YAM_MA.c YAM_RE.c: removed all Toolbar qualifier bugs
workarounds and made the new upcoming version v15.8 the minimum
requirement for YAM as all known bugs should be removed within
this final version. All those workarounds in YAM caused more troubles.

43 lines of code changed in 3 files:

damato 2003-02-25 15:07 Rev.: 1222

- removed senseless DB() statement

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

gnikl 2003-02-24 12:38 Rev.: 1221

removed popupmenu stubs

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-21 19:12 Rev.: 1220

- YAM_UT.c: fixed bug in AppendToBuffer() function where we forgot
to terminate a string with a '\0' and therefore sometimes got
back unterminated string which could have caused problems later on.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-20 18:25 Rev.: 1218

- added additional checks for the requirement of extern MCC classes

12 lines of code changed in 2 files:

damato 2003-02-19 01:59 Rev.: 1214

- removed sys-include path definition.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-19 01:58 Rev.: 1213

- removed return type conflict.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-19 01:56 Rev.: 1212

- a wrong catalogstring was used for the DEFORDER menuitem.

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

damato 2003-02-19 01:42 Rev.: 1210

- added include statement to remove warning

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-18 23:29 Rev.: 1208

- added seperate contextmenu for the titlebar of the MailList and
FolderList. Now a user can directly enable/disable columns by
using the RMB in front of the NList titlebar.

95 lines of code changed in 5 files:

damato 2003-02-18 21:11 Rev.: 1207

- replaced the popupmenu.library based contextmenus with better
integrateable MUI based contextmenus. This allows to separate the
contextmenu in two different areas - one for the title and one
for the rest of the listview. Also contextmenus are now possible
even if the user hasn`t got popupmenu.library installed.
Now YAM doesn`t require/use popupmenu.library anymore which is a
bit more "natural" for a MUI application.

237 lines of code changed in 9 files:

damato 2003-02-17 13:46 Rev.: 1206

- YAM_mail_lex.l: reworked the textstyle highlighting regular
expressions to work more accurate and also allow to stylish text
passages with only one character. That fixes bug #683385.

48 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-16 19:10 Rev.: 1205

- fixed tiny bug in the regexp definition of the ITALIC style.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-16 01:24 Rev.: 1204

- YAM_mail_lex.l: fixed tiny bug in the text highlighting routines
where after a URL in a quoted text part, the color information
was lost.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-16 01:15 Rev.: 1203

- YAM_CL.c: changed the TextEditor WheelMouse support to scroll
up/down by a value of 1/6 of the display text. Let`s see if
this is the value most people can live with :)

19 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-14 21:31 Rev.: 1202

- classes/Addrmatchlist.c, classes/Recipientstring.c: changed the
Recipientstring and it`s matchwindow to support selection via
the mouse including the possibility to use the wheel to scroll
up/down in the addrmatchlist. This also fixes bug #645653.

177 lines of code changed in 3 files:

damato 2003-02-14 21:27 Rev.: 1201

- YAM_WR.c: changed writewindow to automatically select the
To string gadget as the active object upon a selection of the
first page.

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

gnikl 2003-02-14 12:30 Rev.: 1200

fix warning for "struct TranslationTable"

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-13 11:15 Rev.: 1199

- classes/Addrmatchlist.c: if the window that the addrmatchlist was
displayed in had been moved while the matchlist was open, the next
time it opened at the wrong position.

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-13 03:06 Rev.: 1198

- YAM_CL.c: added Wheelmouse support to own TextEditor subclass. As
the original TextEditor doesn`t support the newmouse
NM_WHEEL_UP/DOWN codes, YAM catches this codes on it`s own now and
sends the slider the correct commands to scroll down/up.

82 lines of code changed in 4 files:

damato 2003-02-12 19:44 Rev.: 1197

- YAM_UT.c: changed array MUIM_NList_Insert call to use the newly
introduced MUIV_NList_Insert_Flag_Raw flag. This flag allows to
insert data into a NList without reevaluating the NList`s column
width on each insert operation and therefore speeds up the insertion.
This new flag is only available if NList.mcc v20.109 or higher is
used. If a lower version is used, YAM will simply display the mail
listview with the old speed :)
Tests have shown that together with this new flag it is possible to
insert ~8000 elements in around 1-2 sec. instead of 8-9 seconds

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-04 10:57 Rev.: 1195

- YAM_RE.c: fixed bug #678206 where YAM did strip the signature separator
upon a mail edit.

11 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-03 14:42 Rev.: 1194

- moved fib definition to a more local place.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-03 14:41 Rev.: 1193

- slightly optimized the FileInfo() and PFExists() functions.

15 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-02 20:19 Rev.: 1192

- YAM_RE.c: The read window will also take respect of the newly
introduced marked flag now.

10 lines of code changed in 2 files:

damato 2003-02-02 20:16 Rev.: 1191

- removed unused variable.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-02 20:07 Rev.: 1189

- YAM_RE.c: A mail that is actually displayed within the read window
can now easily be set to "marked" by using a new introduced readwindow
menu item.

16 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-02 20:02 Rev.: 1188

- added an additional "marked" mail flag to YAM. Now it is possible to
set the status of a mail to "Marked" which causes YAM to set a
special flag to that mail. If a mail is then flagged as "marked",
YAM will try to highlight this certain mail within the Mail Listview.
If a new image file "status_mark" is present within the PROGDIR:Icons
directory, YAM will use this image within the Listview as an additional
status icon. If this new image file is missing, YAM will simply highlight
this message by displaying the Senders name with bold letters.
Also the Status sorting routines take respect of that new "marked" flag
now, which makes it possible to better sort that marked mails.
This new flag should make it possible for the user to highlight
certain mails for later reference, like it is common with other mail
programs. Please note that YAM will use the mailfile comment field to
save the flag informatin permanently, if the index needs to be rebuild.

153 lines of code changed in 7 files:

damato 2003-02-01 13:29 Rev.: 1186

- added extra Busy() calls so that a status message is always present if
the ParseEmailTxt() takes too long.

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2003-02-01 13:27 Rev.: 1185

- YAM_FO.c: removed the extra Foldername Requester as it caused more
confusion concerning the Path and Directory settings of a folder.
Now the user can directly specify the correct folder path within
the general folder configuration. Also enhanced Warning requesters
concerning the existance of a folder. Now it should be more intuitive
to change/set a foldername and path. This also fixed bug #571768.

133 lines of code changed in 2 files:

January 2003 »

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