Directory src/classes/

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2008-05-25 17:01
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Lines of Code

src/classes/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 895 (100.0%) 17130 (100.0%) 19.1
damato 591 (66.0%) 12163 (71.0%) 20.5
tboeckel 293 (32.7%) 4909 (28.7%) 16.7
tactica 2 (0.2%) 29 (0.2%) 14.5
gnikl 9 (1.0%) 29 (0.2%) 3.2

Most Recent Commits

damato 2008-05-25 17:01 Rev.: 4005

* classes, misc: renamed the "classes" subdirectory to "mui" to make it
more clear that this subdirectory contains stuff related to the
graphical user interface.

0 lines of code changed in 37 files:

damato 2008-05-25 16:45 Rev.: 4004

* YAM_WR.c: changed the autosavefilename composing function to always
generate ".autosaveXX.txt" files with two digits.
* YAM_WR.c, misc: changed the CreateWriteWindow() function to accept an
additional paramater with the "mode" the write is being initialized for.
In addition, changed the "enum NewMode" to be called "enum NewMailMode"
and used respectively.

48 lines of code changed in 7 files:

damato 2008-05-24 08:34 Rev.: 3999

* Mime.c, mime, misc: splitted the Mime.c file into smaller modules and
put them into the "mime" subdirectory. Now, e.g., the base64 routines
are in a separate file instead of having all those mime encoding/decoding
routines in one file. In addition, renamed the old Mime.c to MimeTypes.c
as only the mime types managing routines are left here.

4 lines of code changed in 3 files:

damato 2008-05-23 09:57 Rev.: 3998

* tools/genclasses, misc: added a parameter type check to the GenClasses
tool so that it checks for used BOOL parameters in the DECLARE()
statements of our classes. BOOL parameters are known to cause trouble
and therefore should be replaced by ULONG parameters instead.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2008-05-23 09:51 Rev.: 3997

* YAM.c, YAM_WR.c, YAM_write.h, WriteWindow.c: reworked the .autosaveXX.txt
file handling and implemented it for the new WriteWindow implementation.
Now the autosave functionality should work again.

18 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2008-05-23 09:47 Rev.: 3995

* Aboutwindow.c: updated current author list for 2.6 version.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2008-05-22 09:35 Rev.: 3993

* WriteWindow.c: fixed bug where upon closing a write window no check
for an eventually existing data loss was performed and the user was never
warned of the data loss.

6 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2008-05-22 08:54 Rev.: 3990

* WriteWindow.c, YAM_WR.c, YAM_MA.c, YAM_write.h: reimplanted the quietMode
functionality used for the Arexx command handling of write windows. Now
the Arexx commands dealing with the write windows should work as expected
again and keep things "quiet" in case background processing is selected.

16 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2008-05-21 09:41 Rev.: 3985

* YAM_WR.c, WriteWindow.c, misc: largely rewrote the write window implementation
to fully use the MUI classes system in the "classes" directory. Also changed
the write window implementation to use a global exec list to manage the
write windows rather than using a fixed amount (3) of global write window
structures. This change therefore allows to open a theoretically unlimited
amount of write windows now. In addition, due to the port of the write
window code to the internal classes system the whole write window
functionality should be way more flexible now for future adaptions. As this
whole thing implies a rather large code change, please bear in mind that
some functionality may be broken and needs to be fixed in some way. In
addition, some minor things are still missing and need to be adapted.
Therefore "#warning 'TODO'" statements were added to the code where
some things still need to be moved to the new write window implementation
and which are currently disabled. This includes:

- YAM_MA.c: the bounce mail functionality which requires a new
"BounceWindow" class and/or adaptions to the current WriteWindow class
to open a bounce window (old WR_NewBounce) instead.
- YAM.c: the check for eventually existing .autosaveX.txt files have
to be adapted to search for such files and open a new write window
regardless of the X number.
- Arexx: the 'quietMode' functionality of the WriteWindow class still
needs some adaptions so that the window can really be opened in
quietMode (hided) and that the write Arexx commands still work as

So please keep the above write window rewrite in mind when running this
version because some things might still not work as expected or even
crash YAM.

3918 lines of code changed in 6 files:

tboeckel 2008-05-16 12:59 Rev.: 3982

* Aboutwindow.c: added Luca Longone and Samir Hawamdeh to the list of
translation contributors.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2008-05-14 10:22 Rev.: 3975

* MUIObjects.c, Requesters.c: separated lots of functions into distinct
modules. All requester functions are now located in Requesters.c and all
simplified MUI object creation functions are located in MUIObjects.c. This
should help to shrink that monster YAM_UT.c.

57 lines of code changed in 23 files:

tboeckel 2008-05-08 15:54 Rev.: 3965

* misc: split the complete YAM_rexx_rxif.c file into separate files which
are now located in the subdirectory "rexx". YAM_rexx.c has been renamed
to Rexx.c.

13 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2008-05-06 08:05 Rev.: 3957

* ReadMailGroup.c, ReadWindow.c: added the missing DELF_UPDATE_APPICON flag
to the MA_DeleteSingle() calls. Otherwise the AppIcon won't be updated.

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

damato 2008-05-06 07:32 Rev.: 3956

* ReadMailGroup.c, ReadWindow.c: fixed some unconverted MA_DeleteSingle()
usages which where forgotten to be switched to the new flags based
API and prevented YAM from building correctly.

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

tboeckel 2008-04-16 14:41 Rev.: 3945

* YAM.c, YAM_FO.c, YAM_UT.c, MainFolderListtree.c: modified all folder
listtree related stuff to use FolderNodes in the tree instead of simple
Folder pointers.

9 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2008-04-15 14:06 Rev.: 3943

* YAM_RE.c, ReadWindow.c: moved the RE_GetThread() function over to
ReadWindow.c and split it into two functions as it contained the same code
twice. Before the thread functionallity didn't work because a variable in
the loop shadowed the result variable and hence the function always returned
failure, even if the mail belonged to a thread of mails. This fixes bug

127 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2008-04-07 22:57 Rev.: 3926

* Recipientstring.c, Addrmatchlist.c: fixed a problem where in case a
realname was quoted within an addressbook entry, the recipient string
didn't correctly find/replace the entry.

38 lines of code changed in 2 files:

damato 2008-03-23 01:12 Rev.: 3912

* YAM_RE.c, misc: modified the RE_ScanHeader() routines to test for the
existance of a "MIME-Version:" header field for a main header scan.
This should improve the RFC2049 MIME conformance such that YAM
does not assume all mails to be MIME-aware mails anymore. If now the
'MIME-Version:' header field is missing, YAM will skip all MIME
routines such as multpart management and the management of different
encoding schemes (base64,uucode, etc).

15 lines of code changed in 2 files:

damato 2008-03-21 00:13 Rev.: 3907

* YAM_UT.c, YAM_AB.c: reworked the BuildAddress#? functions to better comply
to the rules defined in RFC2822. This includes a proper quotation according
to the 'specials' char list, excluding the '.' character. In addition,
" and \ will be properly escaped if it exists in a realname string right
before creating the address string. Last, but not least, the BuildAddress()
function was put into YAM_UT right beside the ExtractAddress() function
which in fact is the reverse function of it. All in all this should fix
certain issues which was caused by not properly quoting/escaping certain
chars in a realname.

47 lines of code changed in 3 files:

tboeckel 2008-03-20 14:34 Rev.: 3906

* Recipientstring.c: after resolving the addresses upon pressing Enter or
Return a separator will be added, if the matchlist was visible. This makes
it lot easier to enter several address right after each other. All in all
this fullfils change request #1918343.

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2008-03-20 14:27 Rev.: 3905

* Recipientstring.c: if Enter/Return is pressed while the matchlist was
visible the advance to the next object in the window will be skipped,
because pressing Enter/Return usually was meant to add the selected
recipient in this situation.

8 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2008-02-26 18:11 Rev.: 3890

* misc classes: added the same "event handler added" check to all other
classes which could possibly walk into the same trap as AttachmentImage.

17 lines of code changed in 3 files:

tboeckel 2008-02-26 18:05 Rev.: 3889

* AttachmentImage.c: fixed a potential crash in case a mail had a yet
undecoded attachment and YAM was iconified and uniconfied while this mail
was currently being displayed. In this case the event handler was not added
during MUIM_Setup, but removed in MUIM_Cleanup, which can cause any kind of
funny things to happen. Most probably this fixes bug #1899484.

19 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2008-02-26 17:52 Rev.: 3888

* misc: various little code cleanups, no functional changes.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2008-02-03 20:48 Rev.: 3860

* ReadWindow.c: fixed the broken search for unread mails.

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2008-01-31 10:32 Rev.: 3856

* ReadWindow.c, ReadMailGroup.c, YAM_RE.c: reverted the recent changes to the
enabled state of the "Check PGP signature" menus. Only the signature of new
mails will now be checked automatically. After that the user must invoke
that action manually.

6 lines of code changed in 2 files:

tboeckel 2008-01-31 09:50 Rev.: 3852

* misc: reconstructed the folder lists analog to the mail lists. All in all
the folders are no longer managed by an NListtree object anymore but are
kept in a real global list while the tree items just reference the single
folders. Analog to mail list the global folder list can be locked either
exclusively or shared, depending on whether the list is going to be modified
or not. Creating clone copies therefore is no longer necessary.

10 lines of code changed in 2 files:

tboeckel 2008-01-31 09:17 Rev.: 3851

* misc: the mail lists can now be locked exclusively or shared, depending on
whether the list is going to be modified or not.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2008-01-30 22:11 Rev.: 3850

* ReadWindow.c, ReadMailGroup.c: the "Check signature" menu item will now be
disabled if the signature of a mail has been checked already, as YAM did
prevent a double check anyway already.

9 lines of code changed in 2 files:

tboeckel 2008-01-30 17:45 Rev.: 3848

* AttachmentGroup.c: in case an attachment had no name but a description only
the name of attachment image could be drawn over futher images to the right,
because the width was calculated using the empty name instead of the

9 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2008-01-24 19:12 Rev.: 3839

* ParseEmail.l,h: renamed the YAM_mail_lex.? stuff to ParseEmail.? as that
stuff is also one of the reworked sources.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2008-01-24 18:54 Rev.: 3838

* Locale_c, renamed the and files to be called "Locale"
which in fact should be more precise. In addition a "Locale.c" and
"Locale.h" file will now be generated.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

damato 2008-01-24 17:37 Rev.: 3836

* Mime.c, Mime.h: renamed the YAM_MI.c,h to Mime.c,h which really should
have happened earlier as all functions in that file were anyway rewritten
from scratch and we want to get rid of the YAM_ prefix sooner or later.

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

damato 2008-01-24 17:01 Rev.: 3834

* misc, STYLEGUIDE: cleaned up all our header files by using forward
declarations for variables which are defined as pointers only. Please note
that forward declarations can become very handy and usefull. It really
decreases the amount of cross dependencies between files and speeds up

58 lines of code changed in 19 files:

tboeckel 2008-01-24 16:43 Rev.: 3833

* Recipientstring.c: minor cosmetic fixes.

35 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2008-01-24 16:39 Rev.: 3832

* Addrmatchlist.c: distribution lists were treated like plain users and hence
were not resolved correctly. Now the list name will be used instead of the
non existing address. This fixes bug #1877027.

31 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2008-01-24 12:53 Rev.: 3829

* misc: converted all array based folder lists into true Exec style MinLists.

58 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2008-01-23 11:45 Rev.: 3822

* ImageArea.c: fixed the width/height calculation for scaled images. Very
small dimensions could result in a zero width or height which made
picture.datatype go mad. Also made sure that the resulting image dimensions
don't exceed the wanted maximum dimensions by not rounding up the scaled

9 lines of code changed in 1 file:

tboeckel 2008-01-23 00:05 Rev.: 3815

* misc: replaced the list of mail within a folder structure by the new mail
list. This makes mail list handling much more consistent.

14 lines of code changed in 2 files:

damato 2008-01-22 13:09 Rev.: 3804

* ReadWindow.c: minor optimization to not allocate a mail list for all
operations (new,reply, etc.)

33 lines of code changed in 1 file:

(359 more)

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